The Kraving – Book Two now available on Smashwords!

Kraving Book Two CoverJust released! Book Two of The Kraving! Read as Passions Rise in Passion Falls!

Now available on Smashwords and soon to be available on Amazon!

After speaking with the distributors about his glaze ingredients, Kris Kraven finds that while the Donut Shack customers might be cumming, his business might be going… under. As if that isn’t bad enough, there arises the very real threat that he might be going to jail for drugging his customers, even if the drug is one like no other. Find out what the glaze ingredients are and what they do, find out what has happened to customers already exposed to the glaze, customers like Susan Thompson and her son, Marissa and the skateboarders she ran off with, and of course the one man who may just rise to be the newest villain in Passion Falls.

Will passions rise to boiling heights in the small town of Passion Falls? Only Officer Alan Morris can answer that and unfortunately he seems to be losing that honorable portion of his job description ‘to protect’. Protection seems the last thing on his mind as he sets his own special version of speed traps, where the women caught are let off with much more than just a warning. What will happen next, where will the special glaze show up next, and what will happen to cool off Passion Falls for good?


Find out in The Kraving – Book Two: Passions Rise in Passion Falls where the dough isn’t the only thing rising to new levels, and the donuts aren’t the only things filled with cream.