June is checking them out

Checking Out by Kris P. Kreme

Checking Out by Kris P. Kreme

A little support group where spirit animal stories are shared to solve troubles may be an odd way of having regular social interactions, but Jessica can appreciate it.

Working around the corner from the abandoned old basement where the meetings take place, she’s a college girl so busy with school and work that life seems to be passing her by.

After getting up and sharing her troubles, Jessica may have an endless graveyard shift behind the register tonight, especially when her spirit animal happens to be the sloth, and somehow she finds her own life slowed infinitely to the point of being caught in a time bubble… one a pair of horny slackers find their way into as well.


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Walking down the stairs to her latest support group, a college girl working to pay her way through that college is dealing with her annoying boss on the phone. If her troubles weren’t enough without him, Enrique is always having her work graveyard shifts, frequently worrying way too much about what he calls the riffraff. But on a night like any dull endless other at her cashier job, Jessica may truly give new meaning and excitement to… Checking Out.

As the remaining five of the original nine members of this unorthodox support group sit watching, June is somewhat predictably excited while talking on her phone, pacing back and forth, grinning with the ideas she shares and questions her cosmetic surgeon about.

Sitting next to the only girl remaining who looks younger than her, Jessica is sharing the same thought as the younger girl, both questioning what a beautiful busty redhead like June could possibly want done. But before they can chat any more about it, June is ending her call and starting the support meeting with her typical bizarre mantra which always leads to those three magic little words, the Kremey Zone.

Seeing that the two youngest were eager to talk, Jessica gets up and takes the stage to tell her story, her frustrating troubles, with the group.

Introducing herself, Jessica explains that part of the reason she is there is that she works just around the corner at a small downtown grocery store, not that other twenty year old college coeds don’t have similar jobs and similar troubles that go along with working long late hours.

But for Jessica her biggest troubles are that no one hardly ever comes in during her long endless hours at the register. She feels as though those hours slow down, dragging on into endless dull moments of time she might as well be stuck in. While she’d like to have the normal life, an actual social life, there just never is the time, and so she feels life passing her by.

Ultimately what Jessica hoped to get out of the support group was just a way to find fulfillment in those endless dull moments where she works doing nothing, maybe an actual social interaction or two, which the support group being close to her work has so far provided.

As Jessica leaves the stage, meeting June who is applauding her honesty, she definitely has her doubts about June’s dedication to the process, having that writer listen in and only participate by writing custom spirit animal tales for those who introduce themselves. It certainly isn’t everyday that a beautiful woman leading a basement support group asks a girl her bra size, telling Jessica it’s not as easy to tell through the red plaid work shirt she wears.

It seems to Jessica that June is still more interested in cosmetic surgeon thoughts than actually leading their group, June seeming to oddly stare at Jessica’s chest the rest of the meeting. But in the end, she leaves with her spirit animal story printed out, and with a long endless shift at the grocery store around the corner, Jessica has duller things to worry about than June or the support group she has been attending.

In the grocery store, Enrique is all about his every concern, whether it’s Jessica’s support group which is none of his business, or the skaters who hang out in the alley behind his actual business. He’s typical Enrique, reminding Jessica as he always does to lock up when she leaves and to handle the riffraff if they cause trouble, but mostly to not show any of her sarcasm to the customers.

What customers? is Jessica’s thought and she soon finds herself settling behind her register listening to the idle background music so distant it seems dreamlike, the buzzing of the lighting overhead, the occasional cutting on or off of the vents. But at least tonight she has one thing to take her mind off the boredom, maybe something weird she doesn’t fully understand, but a little page about herself and her spirit animals is something to read.

She’s more than a little surprised to find that her spirit animal is the sloth. But the page claims it is an animal that moves at its own pace, such a pace that often it gets completely overlooked or unnoticed. But it has a peaceful and fulfilling life, which sounds decent to Jessica.

But when she reads the little paragraph tale supposedly about Jessica the sloth, she’s about to get more annoyed and quite a bit disgusted at the obviously personal information June must’ve shared with that writer whoever he is. Talking about Jessica taking things so slowly the world around her continues at a normal pace, saying she loves to watch that world, especially when a male or two spots her, squeezing and playing with her large C cup breasts.

Crumpling the story up, Jessica is tossing it away, but then realizes how embarrassing it would be if anyone found it, since she is the only Jessica around. So taking it back and out by the loading dock in the alley behind the store, Jessica is making sure no one will find it, putting it straight into the dumpster. And that is where she first encounters the riffraff as Enrique calls them, a couple of skaters who hang out nights in the alley.

And as much as the two annoy her, one definitely more than the other, calling out crude remarks and seemingly enamored by the beautiful coed working the grocery store at night, nothing can annoy Jessica as much as what that writer said about her.

She finds herself back behind her register stewing over all of it, wanting any customer to come and save her from the dull anger she feels about being called a sloth with nice tits. But even when a customer does come in, they always tend to just ignore her and go to the self-checkout lanes. After a man does just that, acting as though she didn’t offer a friendly hello when he entered or a goodbye when he left, Jessica is sinking right back into that typical endless boredom, leaning on the counter by the register, sighing. And that is when she blinks and everything seems to just stop.

Unable to move, unable to so much as turn her head, no longer listening to the buzzing of lights, the distant music, everything, even her pulse seeming to go slower and slower, as though she somehow has been caught in a bubble of her own frozen time, Jessica is silently freaking out.

It seems that Jessica has somehow embodied her spirit animal’s talent for moving at a pace so slow it’s imperceptible to most, but what will happen when those two skaters come in the store… when the more bold one takes a few liberties with the frozen seeming beauty behind the register? And what will happen when those two realize that by stepping into Jessica’s bubble of time, they too are free to do with her what they like, unnoticed by anyone else, time passing so slow that they can spend practically days alone with her and barely hours will have actually passed?

June O June continues with a tale of one hardworking girl truly Checking Out, and getting quite the social interactions she never knew she could have all in one night. Halfway through June, plenty of time to go yet.


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Coming next… It’s not bull.