Category: Kreme Kuickies

Kreme Kuickies

Give thanks for a new Kuickie

The Kuickies #11 - ThankFULL by Kris P. Krem

When the stuffing calls your name and there’s too much to eat, enjoy a nice small portion of Kreme. In a brand new Kuickie, we find frustrated restaurant owner David meeting with his staff of waitresses before Thanksgiving, informing them of an 8 day motivational program they will be trying. Motiv-8 is a subliminal program …

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It’s been a while… The Kuickies return!

The Kuickies #10 - Mouthing Off

The Kuickies have been simmering for well over a year… Now they return! Evan is frustrated enough at 22 and living at home, but his bitchy sister Mikaela can always turn the screws even more. After a wish that people take him fucking seriously inexplicably comes true, Evan is unaware of just how his words …

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Switch off your mind with a Kuickie

The Kuickies #9 - Mind Toggled by Kris Kreme

Out for a stroll through the city on a very pleasant day, things are about to go from pleasant to perverted for Justin and Lizzie. Lizzie has always been into shopping and her latest purchase is a recycled and re-purposed toggle switch turned bracelet. What happens when her joking boyfriend makes a comment about turning …

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A Kuickie deal you can’t refuse!

The Kuickies #8 - Free Bimbo with Purchase By Kris Kreme

Taking a break from working at home, Jason heads down to the brand new grocery store, Dorman’s Deals, to take advantage of a grand opening special. Surprisingly the special turns out not to be free bread but instead a free bimbo and when all the bimbos are already given away what will Jason think of …

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Some more November Kuickies

The Kuickies Volume Two by Kris P. Kreme

Four Kuickies for one great price! A Kreme Kuickie is an appetizer of a tale, for when you just aren’t wanting an entire meal. Short, sweet, and always tasty, these tales take you to every kink imaginable. Sometimes though, especially during the month when all diets are challenged, you just want to stuff your plate …

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November is full of Kuickies

The Kuickies Volume One by Kris P. Kreme

Three Kuickies for one great price! A Kreme Kuickie is an appetizer of a tale, for when you just aren’t wanting an entire meal. Short, sweet, and always tasty, these tales take you to every kink imaginable. Sometimes though, especially during the month when all diets are challenged, you just want to stuff your plate …

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Les is Moore when it comes to the Kuickies

The Kuickies #7 - Les is Moore by Kris P. Kreme

Les Moore never got any, until the day he got everything. A man with a life of suffering, where nothing went his way even down to his birth name, Les Moore is used to having bad days. However, standing in line at the bank one day, Les finds himself in possession of the one thing …

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Step up to the mike and sing a Kuickie

The Kuickies #6 - Kremed Karaoke by Kris P. Kreme

What could be better for a girl’s twentieth birthday than a girl’s night out at the local karaoke scene? Winning the grand prize for best crowd reaction, of course. Cameron, her three best friends, and her still fun and youthful mom are heading out dressed in their best. The performances on stage and the lyrics …

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There’s always time for a New Year’s Kuickie

The Kuickies #5 - Happy New You! by Kris P. Kreme

Mandy Fate has finally met the man of her dreams, an author of erotica that takes her own kinks and multiplies them until she’s weak in the knees. However, as Mandy Fate meets 2014 she might just discover that her own fate is to become just like the fictional characters this man writes about in …

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Flash! Kuickie Number Four is here!

The Kuickies #4 - Flash Photography by Kris P. Kreme

Todd has a new old camera to mess with, and he’s striking out to take some candid shots of people around his town. The only problem is that candid shots can be ruined by a bright flash bulb going off, and this camera seems to refuse to not flash everyone he aims it at. Will …

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Some trips to the mall can change… Everything.

The Kuickies #3 - Fantasy Fashions: Selective Shopping by Kris P. Kreme

The latest Kreme Kuickie arrives and going to the mall will never be the same again. Stephanie is an attractive redhead originally from Great Britain. Her shopping trip to the mall takes her to a new mysterious store called Fantasy Fashions, where the fashions not only fit the wearer but fit their deepest fantasies as …

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July 2013 is cumming soon…

July Kreme Event

You voted. Yes. You did. You answered a question that has been on the mind of many, How do you like your Kreme? Some wanted longer Kreme stories. Some wanted shorter Kreme stories. But overwhelmingly, what you, the reader, ask for was just more Kreme… July 2013. Cheer loudly for the Kreme will deliver!

Don’t Hold Your Breath… Kuickies 2 is here!

The Kuickies 2 - Don't Hold Your Breath by Kris P. Kreme

Sometimes you just want an appetizer of Kreme, a story snack between meals of twisted tales, and nothing tastes better than The Kuickies. Sadie is the bratty eighteen year old daughter that came along with an otherwise wonderful marriage for Tim. Unfortunately her bratty attitude is threatening to ruin his weekend and Tim simply can’t …

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Nurse Ivy can help Nurse a Hangover

Nursing a Hangover by Kris P. Kreme

Working as a nurse for famed Cosmetic surgeon, Doc Stacks, was not how Ivy saw her professional future, but she handles it as well as she can. Unfortunately handling work and a hangover when some girlfriends kept her out late, is not going to be easy. What Ivy doesn’t realize is that among the patients …

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