It’s hot in the future

Bimbo Bombed Beyond by Kris P. Kreme

Bimbo Bombed Beyond by Kris P. Kreme

What will the future look like? What will happen when a long-forgotten threat returns in a form one girl can’t help but think about to her own depraved detriment? Such are the questions answered as Hot Shots of Kreme continues.

In the twenty-third century, Rowan has watched his daughter Athena grow up without war, without famine, in a utopian society with only one danger… the madness, a condition afflicting certain men, caused by space isolation and hormonal imbalances.

But as he seeks to cure that madness, his daughter’s brand new Smartsuit may offer her incite into a forgotten past, a restricted danger, a Bimbo Bombing of her mind and body to forever change her own future fate.


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In the gleaming skyscrapers of the twenty-third century, Rowan is a high-ranking man with a brilliant mind. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t like any father throughout time, waiting on his daughter to try on clothes… particularly Athena’s very first Smartsuit.

The Smartsuit is the most advanced piece of wearable tech ever invented, and Athena is quite proud of the fact her father helped develop it. Along with the communication visors everyone wears outside their homes, the Smartsuit is integrated into the entire network of human history, adapted for each wearer’s unique biological and emotional needs. It’s essentially a super computer woven into clothing form, the glowing lines of trim indicating computations whenever the wearer merely thinks of anything they wish to know more about.

But with Athena’s new Smartsuit picked out and tried on, a fashionable black and red Smartsuit she feels very good about, Rowan has to take her along with him for a very important meeting with production heads on a different floor of the massively towering skyscraper soaring above the clouds of a utopian earth in the future.

It is a future where no one worries of terrorism, of famine, of anything dismal like the long-forgotten past. But as Athena asks curiously about, there does exist the madness, as it is called. And the madness is exactly what Rowan hopes to soon eliminate thanks to his latest development he is meeting with the production heads about.

Throughout the building, largely away from others, there are men afflicted by the madness. It’s what the world has grown to call the suffering of long term isolation combined with hormonal imbalances that afflict men where they in effect need sex, the worst cases becoming complete degenerates endangering women. Fortunately through therapy and treatments, some men manage their symptoms well, and these are the most trusted workers on the production floor among all the loud automated machinery that creates Smartsuits and other technology for a world devoid of the threats of the past.

But as Rowan leaves his daughter in the glassed off waiting area between the loud automated machinery factory floor and the meeting room with the production heads, a long-forgotten threat of the past may come back in full force.

Athena is as sweet and innocent as all children are in the twenty-third century, but as even Xavier and Silas, two of the most reformed workers suffering the madness, note, she is definitely all grown up enough. And while they merely look at her from the factory floor, Athena is excitedly exploring the expanse of human history and looking for funny stories to learn about and tell her friends.

Thinking thoughts and finding the vast array of more information than she ever had available floating in hexagonal bubbles before her eyes, Athena can instantly learn anything she may ever need to learn. But when she searches for information of the threats faced more than a century before, terrorism, bio-terrorism, and even technologically based terrorism, a piece of information flashing red appears… and that may just be a restricted content no one is ever meant to explore.

Meanwhile her father is convincing the production heads that by taking the therapy androids used to help men afflicted with the madness and altering Smartsuits to what he basically calls Sexsuits, dressing those androids in them, they can quite possibly permanently cure and rid the world of the madness once and for all.

Unfortunately a new but very old threat may have just returned in technologically enhanced form as Athena reads from one of her information bubbles projected by her communication visor… that she has just been Bimbo Bombed.

With a tech virus detected, the Bimbo Bombing corrupts the wearable Smartsuit, providing information Athena never asked for, such as what Xavier and Silas really want to do to her tight little body. And then as though that weren’t bad enough, she is given just five minutes to somehow forget the depraved revelations of what her body could be used for, what they want to do with it. If Athena doesn’t forget, her Smartsuit informs her exactly what will happen.

Failure to comply with request will result in biological, mental, and physical reprogramming of unknown origins with the possibility for severe consequences.

Caught in a cycle of impossibility, Athena knows the very nature of the Smartsuit is designed around universal knowledge, her wearing it meaning forgetting anything is impossible. So as her father continues his meeting so close by and yet so far, speaking of ending the madness, Athena is suffering her own little madness as a timer ticks down, her corrupted Smartsuit constantly informing her of new and even more depraved desires the two factory workers watching may have for her beautiful body.

Will Athena become the twenty-third century rebirth of a threat mankind knew long ago, one certain men will be thrilled to see return? Will her father’s meeting go well only to leave him confused as to where his sweet daughter went? And will Athena get to become little more than a mindless bimbo thanks to the biological linking and a perverse request to her Smartsuit to melt her brains into something more than enjoyably able to be squeezed?

This is a world beyond war, beyond famine… beyond madness. This is the world of Bimbo Bombed Beyond!

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Coming next… You’ll be floored…