Get in the money with SINtendo September

SINtendo Learning Undergraduate Techniques: Financing Made Easy by Kris P. Kreme

SINtendo Learning Undergraduate Techniques: Financing Made Easy by Kris P. Kreme

Having excelled in her classes, one might assume Katelyn has no worries when it comes to education. In her second year of college, she’s a favorite among her professors, but has shared a concern at least one of them is eager to solve through questionable means.

Recommending a radical study technique using VR and her phone, Clark Daniels is more willing than his fellow Professor Stanton, but thanks to the vote of confidence by a clueless younger professor, Stanton relents and Katelyn is given the program to make financing easy for her.

What she never suspects is that this program might make more than financing easy, particularly when she discovers how lucrative having larger assets can be.


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With her flawless complexion, long silky black hair, and impressive physique, Katelyn has served as quite the distraction during the past year and a half of her college career. Unfortunately for those she distracts, Katelyn has not been so distracted herself to entertain anything but studying.

There’s little room for anything but ambition and dedication to her studies in Katelyn’s thoughts, and she has proven herself so perfect with her courses she even has become quite popular as a favorite among certain professors on campus.

However Katelyn does have one subject she has struggled with, even if the struggle would hardly have been noticed by the ones grading her exams, the ones handing out the grades, or the ones whose chances at grading on a curve she ruined by ultimately passing every challenge. That one subject is the one which she knows could make or break her future as a self-employed independent business owner.

She’s always had the drive and ambition to achieve such a goal, no one questioning it, but Katelyn knows that if financing isn’t tackled and her questions regarding it overcome, she will never succeed in the game of life. Having told of this struggle to several of her favorite professors, it’s not too surprising when one of them, Professor Clark Daniels says he might have just what she was looking for.

Although the older Professor Stanton seems to have some immediate reluctance when Daniels brings up the study assistance, Katelyn is intrigued.

Only the younger Professor Andrews is confused, detecting a strange conflict between his two fellow instructors as one seems quite eager to share the study technique with Katelyn, the other shaking his head.

Despite the confusion, Andrews vouches for Katelyn, their brief argument about her being able to handle it, about it being right to share it only having her more ready to give whatever it is a try.

And so the oddly grinning Professor Clark Daniels shares this radical new study medium, messaging a specific virtual program to her phone, a program he tells her is specific to financing, and she just needs a VR case to hold the phone against her eyes and it will do the rest.

As he tells her, it will only take approximately five minutes to re-educate everything she may have ever found complicated or confusing about financing, making it easy to understand and apply to her own life goals.

Scratching his head at what has Stanton so nervous and Daniels so eager looking, the three professors head off to lunch at a small coffee shop just off campus, the older two intending to reveal details that will soon have Katelyn definitely rising to the top of their classes, if she wasn’t already there to begin with.

Meanwhile, Katelyn is eager to try this new Learning Undergraduate Techniques course, figuring no better time than the present when it’s only five minutes.

As soon as the course launches, Katelyn finds herself flooded by random numbers floating around her in three dimensional space, a virtual world as she hears a voice start to instruct on Macro vs Micro Economics.

Oddly though the virtual experience begins to have real sensations on her body, little numbers smacking into her chest, the most real feelings of her actual breasts being punched lightly over and over again.

If that wasn’t concerning enough, the educational part speaks of larger assets, more readily available assets, and a smaller but dedicated client group willing to support those assets financially. Something about all of it just seems off, but for the life of her, Katelyn feels almost numbed to speak up in protest or so much as lift the headset off her face.

Will Katelyn discover the best way to financially enjoy her assets? Will her assets improve in record time? And what about her favorite three professors… will they prove more than willing to ensure Katelyn’s total success in her chosen career after finishing this study program?

Find out as SINtendo September continues to educate from one topic to the next, reminding you that education is no game… but what you do with it, can definitely be fun.


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