The sequel you never expected to Midnight at MOO Mall! On a small mysterious island in the South Pacific, three television investigators of supernatural and paranormal happenings find themselves truly lost in the Valley of the Vines. Selfish and arrogant star Joanne Wong may find much more than her attitude drained long before she ever …
Tag: Paranormal
Aug 13 2017
Reality TV gets a reality check…
Desperate for ratings, a scary reality TV show Fictional Reality has pulled out all the stops for season three. Thirteen attractive girls chosen from candidates around the world are to spend three nights in DeLiniac Tower, a building with a reputation. Wandering seven floors of this structure each night, captured on thousands of hidden cameras, …
Mar 30 2014
The Komplete Paranormal Trilogy is now available
The most terrifyingly tantalizing trilogy from the Kreme is finally brought together in one depraved and deadly volume. Paranormal Entry, which introduced the mysterious DeLiniac Tower and saw a number of women working data entry get fully screwed by their work. Paranormal Exit, where the Tower proved that no one could place its fate in …
Feb 16 2014
An uncensored Paranormal Ending
Jan 23 2014
The Paranormal Ending will leave you guessing…
Paranormal Entry was only the opening. Paranormal Exit made you believe it was over. Paranormal Ending will show you that the truly perverse has only just begun. Special agents sent by the federal government to follow up with on-site paranormal investigators find themselves participants in the final awakening of a power which has fed for …
Sep 13 2013
Try making a Paranormal Exit if you can…
After the disappearances of everyone within DeLiniac Tower, the renovation was shut down, the building quarantined from the public. Now Joyce and Joey are there to inspect, to see whether the building is worth saving. As they discover how bad a shape the insides are in, they might just find their own insides being teased …
May 11 2013
Make a Paranormal Entry… If you dare.
Workers at DeLiniac Tower find there’s more to the stories of ghosts when a mysterious storm empowers something within the building along with everything in it. Alicia and Tracey assure their workers everything is fine but the paranormal is about to make an unwanted entry. Zoey will realize feeling watched might be more fun than …
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